BlockSim: Bitcoin and Ethereum Simulator

Blockchain is being applied in critical sectors of society, such as: financial, health care, energy and logistics, among others. However, it lacks on proper tools to evaluate or simulate certain events or conditions. While there is a broad interest in developing blockchain systems for specific use cases, there is a lack of tools to perform their evaluation. Current evaluation methods use emulation, to deploy large number of nodes in a controlled environment and then its used tools like Hyperledger Caliper, BLOCKBENCH, or even hammer - that I developed to work with Ethereum clients. These tools can be used to stress test nodes to obtain insights about the overall performance of the network. This approach, however, incurs in large overhead and lacks scalability to real world deployments. Besides, power consumption of a large-scale system must be taken into account. ...

May 19, 2020 · 4 min